Monday, December 6, 2010

Kingston to Huntsville - Dec. 6, 2010

Carylanne had arranged for Dorothy to have an exclusive spa experience today from a very accomplished lady who has a private studio in her home.  So, the multi-phase facial, manicure, etc. was a very relaxing, refreshing experience.  It meant though that most of our 5 hour drive to Huntsville was in the dark (actually, quite dark, with some snow flurries).  As a result, we have few photos today.
Kingston had another dusting of snow last night, and we were pleased
that the 1.139 gasoline of the weekend was down today to 1.096 in Kingston
so that it took only $88.00 to fill the tank for our trip today.
Thankfully, though, we reached Huntsville safely about 8:00 PM
We welcomed the queen sized bed after a week with the "doubtful it's a double" bed at "The Pond".
Dorothy has a scratchy throat tonight so we are hoping she hasn't picked up my cold, which has almost entirely left me.

Thanks to all for encouraging e-mails.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your still 'sharing'!
    I am retracing your tracks, as I haven't been able to keep up to you two!...had a friend in for a pre- Christmas dinner then had to get ready for a meeting, and of course payroll and ledger catch thrown in and some friends from Medicine Hat will be having lunch with me tomorrow at Mr. Bills...the days are flying by so quickly....keep healthy you two!
