Wednesday, December 22, 2010

in Stuart, FL

It could have been a beautiful relaxing day today - it was sunny all day, the high was +22C, and Gwen took us on a tour of her immediate environs on and around Hutchinson Island.  Unfortunately, there were some problems with air quality in our hotel room and Dorothy's chest congestion flared up overnight and she had a miserable day although she soldiered on throughout.  We had an ozone machine brought into our room and the air did seem to improve but Dorothy's system was thrown off and she is still feeling miserable this evening with, now, stomach upset, and a temperature.
The view from our room at the Marriott Hutchinson Island Resort.
Our friend Gwen's condo - upper, furthest right balcony.
View from Gwen's lanai (screened in balcony)
It was nice to see the blossoms near Gwen's condo.
And some of the palm trees were producing coconuts.
Gwen took us on a nice tour which included a stop at a nearby beach.  Below are some representative scenes we saw today.
Lots of people were out today enjoying the beach - the temperature reached +22C

The lounge at the resort where we had a light lunch - Dorothy wasn't feeling up to eating even ice cream.
The boys had a chance to make a new friend at Gwen's
but we left early for our room in hopes Dorothy could get some rest.
Good night all - from Stuart, Florida.

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