Monday, December 13, 2010

in Kingston, Dec. 13, 2010

Two quite different activities today.  Kristen came over to our place at "The Pond" to video tape an interview she had planned for each of her grand parents.  She arrived about 11:00 AM.  We taped 2 hours before she joined us for lunch in the dining room, and then the taping resumed for about 1.5 hours after lunch.  It was interesting to recollect our early days.  Kristen's list of questions was very comprehensive so we only made it up to our school days.  Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to continue our discussions at some time in the future.
Kristen and Dorothy share many things - including a sense of humour
 The other highlight was the opportunity to take in a performance of Cirque du Soleil Quidam at the K-Rock Centre.  Through Carylanne's friends, we were a party of 14 and had access to a box suite from which to enjoy the show.  Outside, it was bitterly cold, -12 C but very humid with a wind, but once inside the show was really an amazing display of acrobatics, clown and mime acts, etc ...
No cameras allowed so the following are some borrowed photos to give you all the idea.

This was our last full day in Kingston so we are doing some organizing and packing tonight.  We will try and be off toward Brockville, ON by noon tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. what a memorable interaction with the grandchildren, truely a cherished memory for both sides! Looks like Dorothy and Kristen were really enjoying 'history in the making'! Drive easy, hear the weather is not the greatest out east there, going to get very cold and nasty here is Canada and winter time!
