Friday, December 10, 2010

in Kingston, Dec. 10, 2010

Thankfully, Dorothy's cold was a little better today, so we went shopping for awhile at the Cataraqui Towne Centre (the mall across the street from where our motel used to be) (pronounced Cat-er-ock-way).

In the evening, we were invited to visit another residence in "The Pond".  Mary & Henry have interesting backgrounds.  Mary showed us the remnant of her doll collection.
Dorothy with Mary and one of her dolls.
A remnant of Mary's doll collection, which once numbered over 1,000 dolls.

Henry has an Atmos clock, an invention which is the closest yet achieved
to a perpetual motion device.
He also has an interesting painting of Burnt Island Lake, coincidentally near Huntsville where we were on Monday.

Henry poses with a plaque re: one of his ancestors, Samuel Lount,
a principal in the 1837 Rebellion in Upper Canada
Later in the evening, Carylanne and Brayden, came over and we watched the Christmas movie, "Blizzard".  It was a fun conclusion to an interesting day.

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