Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brockville, ON to Scranton, PA

On the road again, we left Brockville, ON just after 10:00 AM.
Highway 401 between Brockville, ON and the 1000 Island Bridge
We crossed into the United States via the 1000 Island Bridge, mid-way between Brockville and Kingston.  It is actually two large bridges, one in Canada and one in the U.S.
1000 Island Bridge - Canadian  portion
1000 Island Bridge - U.S. portion
In New York state, Interstate 81 winds around the east end of Lake Ontario.  In winter, the wind off the lake often produces heavy snow in the "snow belt".  So as we traveled along we noticed more snow.

Then, we encountered a worrisome amount of snow that B. Glee thought was excessive.

But then we got to the real snow belt ...

But, after about 50 kms we began to drive out of the snow and see some of the scenery of south-western New York state.

By the time we reached Pennsylvania, the sun was shining brightly.

Then it was on through the hills of northern Pennsylvania to Scranton, the home town of Vice President Joe Biden.

1 comment:

  1. What a crazy amount of snow you drove through. That is funny because we just had a major dumping of snow yesterday too. Seemed like almost a foot - the roads in the city are terrible.
    I've been enjoying reading/viewing your daily escapades! Thank you for sharing!
