Sunday, December 5, 2010

in Kingston, Dec. 5, 2010

We were able to join in the worship services at St. Luke's Anglican again this morning.  We were back to "the Pond" in time for lunch, and a little later we were off to Carylanne and Paul's place where we had a bountiful, delicious Christmas-type dinner followed by family and friends decorating the Christmas tree and then playing a couple of what used to be called "parlour games".  It was a very pleasant day with family fun and food.
Family friend Justin, with Carylanne - along with Paul and Andrew
all helped Grandpa, and his scooter, get in the house to enjoy the festivities.
Brayden showed off his Mom's ever growing Christmas Village.
Carylanne's Nativity Scene is simple yet elegant
Brayden and Grandpa played Wii Golf ...

While Kristen and Andrew amused themselves in the kitchen's office.
The table was set ... and soon everyone was enjoying Carylanne's fabulous meal.

Then, it was time to decorate the tree ...

... where Brayden led the way
So with thoughts turning to Merry Christmas
we say Good Night to ALL ...

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