Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kingston to Brockville and Almonte, ON

This was our day to leave Kingston.  Carylanne made an appointment for Dorothy to meet with her personal trainer who gave Dorothy some exercises to do to help with her shoulder and neck problems.  Then Carylanne helped us pack up and move out of "The Pond".  Then we went to the Cataraqui Towne Centre for some shopping and a cold drink before we said our farewells.  It was sad to leave, not knowing when we will be able to come again.  We appreciate the hospitality and kindness that everyone showed us in Kingston - especially Paul and Carylanne, who did so much to host us and provide us with many memorable experiences.

We arrived in Brockville about 3:00 pm.  There was more snow today and penetrating humid cold although only -12C.  Then we were off to Almonte, ON, about 1.25 hrs north of Brockville.  There we had a nice visit and great dinner with our friends Vicki and Bob, and their sons Matthew and Andy.  Later we took in some of Matthew's hockey game before driving back to Brockville.
(l-r) Matthew, Bob, Vicki, Andy
Franklin & Dorothy with Andy & Matthew
We found them to be a couple of alert, respectful and engaging young men.
Vicki gave Dorothy a few more tips on being a hockey Mom
as Matthew plays (below - Number 15)

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