Thursday, December 2, 2010

in Kingston, Dec. 2, 2010

Oops ... false alarm ... the snow did not survive over night.

Carylanne picked up Dorothy to take her on a shopping expedition to Expressions Fashion Boutique.  Caryanne bought a three piece outfit for Dorothy (for Christmas) and Dorothy bought two tops.
Off they go for a shopping extravaganza
I have developed quite a cold, so I stayed low at "the Pond" ...
Who knew retirement was so cool ...
There actually is a "pond" at the Pond ... a former stone quarry filled with water.
Conservatory Pond - rear - Dec. 2, 2010
Achoo ... drink plenty of fluids, rest, etc.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice home away from home! Sounds like your both having the time of your life! lots to enjoy with the family....but take it easy, and stay away from all the 'bugs' got a long road ahead....Quite nice here in LLoyd, for a winters day, frosty, lots of's what December is all safe!
