Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saskatoon, SK to Sherwood Park, AB (HOME)

We had a restful night and were faced this morning with news and discussion of the winter storm warnings for the area we would be driving through.  We decided to start as soon as we could.  Our advantage now is that we are on home territory - we know the road very well, and we know the various subtleties of the weather.
Not far from Saskatoon, we encountered snow and drifting snow.
We reached Lloydminster just before noon and had a nice lunch at one of our old favourite restaurants, Spiro's.  It was nice to be welcomed warmly by Spiro and his daughter Maria.  We are among people we know and who know us - it feels good.
Well into Alberta now (near Vermilion) and conditions have not improved.
Near Minburn, AB - it looks like winter driving conditions
After over 500 kms of winter driving - it's nice to see the sign for OUR EXIT.
Our street - Foxhaven Drive, Sherwood Park, AB

Home at last!
Our friend Joe was waiting to welcome us and help me unload the van.
We are blessed with so many supportive friends.  Carolyn made soup for us.  Margaret supplied a casserole and an apple pie.
I would like to thank all those who followed the blog and/or provided e-mails and phone calls of support.  We had an impressive prayer team behind us - from across the country.  Thank you all.
I will not be making daily entries to the blog now but I will update with any significant follow up news as to Dorothy's health situation.  Also, I hope when time permits to add some additional information about the places we went, what we purchased, etc. 

Now we can sit and watch the snow, knowing we do not have to load up the van and drive on tomorrow.

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