Monday, January 17, 2011

a few statistics of the Big Tour

Nights away from home = 52
Total kilometers added to van = 14,766
Dash home: Port St. Lucie, FL to Sherwood Park, AB
    4,849 kms. - Jan. 1 to Jan. 8, 2011
    avg. = 606 kms / day

Initial bill for Dorothy's hospitalization - Dec. 24 - 28, 2010 = $35,705.00 US 

   other bills for ER and Doctors to follow.
[So far our insurance plan, through Alberta Retired Teachers' Association, but administered by Desjardins, has been quite helpful and reassuring.  We have not had an indication from them yet that we will have a portion to pay.]
[Note: while the amounts in the bill seem large, we have no way of knowing what similar procedures in Canada cost (via our taxes)]

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