Friday, January 21, 2011

Our Wedding Anniversary - 32 years

It is hard to believe we have been home almost two weeks.  Dorothy continues to improve a little each day.  Her cough has virtually disappeared but she still has a continuing need to clear her throat frequently and periodic pain in her left chest which seems to follow the shape of the bottom half of her left lung, and is usually worse after eating. She still tires easily.  However, today she drove the van for the first time since December 21 and we were both most thankful that we could celebrate our wedding anniversary yesterday by going out for a nice dinner which we both enjoyed heartily.
January 20, 2011 - celebrating our wedding day - January 20, 1979
We dined in the new Sawmill Restaurant at Franklin's Inn in Sherwood Park
Before dining out, Dorothy had a treatment at the clinic she attended before our trip.  One of the therapists has just returned from extra study in China so Dorothy received some acupuncture to redirect and strengthen the energy flow; and some cupping therapy to remove toxins.  It seemed more proactive than just contemplating that her conventional medical tests were "encouragingly normal".
If you look closely, you can see a few of the acupuncture needles, as well as
what are sometimes called fire cups which draw out internal toxins.
They are left on for about 25 minutes.
Meantime, we continue to have a lot of winter weather so we enjoy the days when we can look out from our warm condo and feel thankful we don't have to go outside to chop wood or feed the cows.


  1. Now isn't that the truth!..about feeding the cows!....I too am happy to hibernate in the warmth...was great visiting with you two...and Dorothy, your looking so good now! Can't believe I missed the anniversary day! first time in about 8 years! I am slipping! we will make up for it when I come to Edmtn. Take care, keep smiling!and a very 'Happy Anniversary to you both!' hugs!

  2. and......Franklin, you too, (am,are,is) looking so good!
    just being off that road, is pretty restful!
