Tuesday, November 30, 2010

in Kingston, Nov. 30

We have moved!  Carylanne helped us move from the hotel to a retirement residence (called Conservatory Pond) so the plan is that we will "sample the life style" for the next 2 weeks.
Conservatory Pond Retirement Residence
In our days in Kingston, there was a long abandoned stone quarry
in an open field.  When the quarry filled with water, some of the more
adventurous folks would go swimming there on a hot summer day.
Now we can look out on "the pond" from the dining room.
Dining Room at Conservatory Pond - it simplifies meal preparation (as long as you are punctual).
Dorothy on the tour of "some of the many amenities of retirement living".
Well, it's time to go for dinner, so will share more tomorrow.

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