We have made the decision to try and head directly home, starting today. According to Google maps the shortest route is about 5,300 kms, which will rejoin our outward journey in Minnesota. Dorothy rested reasonably well last night but is still weak. We have tried to set up the van so she can sit in the second row with her feet up to alleviate leg swelling. We felt we weren't up to anymore ER or medication adventures so we might as well try progressing toward home.
I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be able to do. The first priority is Dorothy's care followed by moving toward home.
Thanks for the good wishes and prayers.
We hope 2011 is a happy year for us all.
May the angelwings carry you back to home swift and safely! So sorry your holiday has been cut short, but after Dorothy is well again, there is always 'another road' I'll be thinking of you 'al' take care!