Wednesday, December 1, 2010

in Kingston, Dec. 1, 2010

Today's highlight was watching Grandson Andrew's hockey game.  It was a tournament of high school teams - Andrew's school - Frontenac, against Carylanne's former high school, Bayridge.  We donned our Oilers sweaters (thanks to Margaret and Jim) and stole the show - earning many shocked glances.
There are a few photos below but just a reminder to everyone, for most days of our tour, there are additional photos at in the various galleries there.

Andrew in action
The Foster's are in the building.
Carylanne with a couple of Oilers fans.
Andrew shoots

Grandma cheers
Andrew is right in front ...
After the game, Carylanne talks things over with her little boy.
Who then poses with the Grandparents from "out west"
December 1 also seemed an appropriate day for Kingston to receive its first accumulation of snow this season.

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