Monday, November 29, 2010

in Kingston, Nov. 29

Today was Carylanne's 49th birthday - one of her celebrations was to attend her regular weekly workout with her personal trainer.  The trainer has a studio at Olympic Harbour in Kingston.
Olympic Harbour - the venue for all the sailing events during the 1976 Olympics
In the background, Kingston Penitentiary, a major prison since the days of John A. Macdonald
Kingston has five other prisons and a training centre for prison guards.
View from Olympic Harbour across the St. Lawrence River to Wolfe Island
now marred by a multitude of wind turbines
Training studio located in one of Kingston's many 150 year + buildings
made from the local limestone - Kingston is "The Limestone City"
Carylanne's good friend, Tammy, shares her workout

although she may have dressed
too quickly today
First, "the class" goes for an outdoor run ...
Then, the hard work begins

Tracy, keeps the girls working hard.

But, there was time for Tammy's birthday gift to Carylanne.

It's great to share your birthday with friends and family

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